The Frequency of Life
So many talk about energy and raising vibrations, but not many actually explain these scales and what types of things lower frequency (that rate at which something vibrates)
Lets start with the first scale of vibrations in the things we put in our bodies
this includes foods and hygiene products, soaps, shampoos, face wash, toothpaste, drinking water
Alkaline versus Acidic
Human blood stays at a very narrow marking of 7.3 in order to maintain homeostasis (state of natural balance within the body)
When the ph drops, Microbials in the blood can mutate making oxygen delivery to the cells comprised and disease and symptoms can ensue
By regulating the body’s ph you are able to maintain health and harmony
8 or higher ALKALINE (neutralizing force)
7 nuetral
6 or below ACIDIC ( excess hydrogen atoms cause cellular confusion)
The foods you eat, the liquid you consume, the environment you live, the patterns in which you breathe and the amount of movement
All influence your blood PH
There are so many, many things around you that influence the frequency you carry within your energetic footprint
The lights, electricity exposure, EMF exposure, cell phones, wifi, toxins within the air you breathe, toxins in food, even the clothing you put on your body carries a energetic frequency.
All these can promote healing and high vibrations or begin to make the body heavier in a sense lowering the frequency we carry.
Sounds give us another measurable scale
Joy resonates at a frequency of 440hz
Anger and upset 140-220hz
The music on the radio is at about 100-200hz
Root Chakra balancing 432hz Music note C
Sacral Chakra balancing 528hz Music note D
Solar Plexus Chakra balancing 528hz Music note E
Heart Chakra balancing 594hz Music note F
Throat Chakra balancing 672hz Music note G
Third Eye chakra balancing 720hz Music note A
Crown Chakra balancing 768hz Music note B
Brain Waves
operate on a slightly different, almost opposite scale
Delta: Slowest, meditative, healing, cell regenerative 1-3hz
Theta: Sleep, relaxation, Dreams 4-8hz
Alpha: quiet, thoughtful, restful 9-13hz
Beta: normal waking, alert 14-30hz
Gamma: fast, high, 32-100hz
As you can see there are many scales that make up our many frequencies of life
remembering energy is everything
and everything is energy