What Even is Yoga?


There is so much misinformation out there about what yoga really is, mainstream myths as I call them.

White skinny rich women wear those tight pants and stretch. Right?

Well, let’s clear this awful stereotype up.

Anybody can do yoga. You don’t need more than a body to try it.

Yoga does not have to cost money, although it can get pricey.

It isn’t a religion.

You definitely don’t have to be flexible. Flexibility is a skill that grows with time.

There is only one tradition of yoga.

Many styles and disciplines taught worldwide.

It can have a tremendous effect on the physical body, but it is not an exercise.

Yoga has what we call an eightfold path that sets the structure for a sattvic life or a life in balance and harmony.

Yamas: social ethics (kindness, truthfulness, nonstealing, generosity, moderation)

Niyamas: personal practices (purity, contentment, austerity, self-study, surrender)

Asana: Posture

Pranayama: control of breath

Pratyahara: focus inward

Dharna: concentration, unwavering attention

Dhyana: tuning into the present moment (meditation/mindfulness)

Samadhi: Spiritual bliss

Yoga is union, from the Hebrew word yoke. Union of mind, body and spirit. Union of ALL beings on earth.  

Union of One’s self, as well as the collective One.

The Bhagavad Gita teaches us,

Yoga is the Journey to the self, through the self.

It is a journey home. A celebration of self. A love for self.  


Reuniting with Self